Table of Contents


NSX for vSphere (NSXv) has hit its End of Life (EOL) by VMware and due to this we need to be able to successfully remove the software from our vCenter and VMware Cloud Director (vCD) installations

Remove NSXv from vCD

  1. In vCD confirm the network pools are not in-use and then remove them.
    NSXv Removal
  2. In vCenter ensure there are no VTEPs within your distributed switches.
  3. In vCenter navigated to ‘Networking and Security’ and uninstall NSXv from ESXi.
    NSXv Removal
  4. Each ESXi hypervisors will have to be put into maintenance mode and a reboot is recommended to remove the NSXv VIBs successfully. This is a great time to patch the hyp as well.
  5. Repeated for all clusters where NSXv is installed, after which there should be no NSX installed on any hyp.
    NSXv Removal
  6. Run VCD’s ‘API Explorer’.
    NSXv Removal
  7. Scroll down to the entry ‘VirtualCenter’ and run ‘GET’ for ‘/1.0.0/virtualCenters Gets a paged list of Virtual Center servers.’ and click it.
    NSXv Removal
  8. When this window expands click on ‘Try it out’ and then scroll down.
    NSXv Removal
  9. Click ‘Execute’.
    NSXv Removal
  10. The response will give us our vcId which we will use in the next section along with a ‘Response Body’ similar to:
      "resultTotal": 0,
      "pageCount": 0,
      "page": 0,
      "pageSize": 0,
      "associations": [
       "entityId": "string",
       "associationId": "string"
      "values": [
       "vcId": "urn:vcloud:vimserver:xxxxxxxa-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
       "name": "vCenter Sample Name",
       "description": "vCenter Sample Description",
       "username": "string",
       "password": "string",
       "url": "",
       "isEnabled": false,
       "vsphereWebClientServerUrl": "string",
       "hasProxy": false,
       "rootFolder": "string",
       "vcNoneNetwork": "string",
       "tenantVisibleName": "string",
       "isConnected": false,
       "mode": "NONE",
       "listenerState": "string",
       "clusterHealthStatus": "GRAY",
       "vcVersion": "6.7.0",
       "buildNumber": "12345",
       "uuid": "string",
       "nsxVManager": {
         "username": "string",
         "password": "string",
         "url": "",
         "softwareVersion": "string"
       "proxyConfigurationUrn": "string"
  11. Edit this information to remove the header information but also to remove the nsxVManager information. The new values should look like this:
      "vcId": "urn:vcloud:vimserver:63cb63cb63cb",
      "name": "fqdn",
      "description": "",
      "username": "administrator@vsphere.local",
      "password": "******",
      "url": "fqdn",
      "isEnabled": true,
      "vsphereWebClientServerUrl": null,
      "hasProxy": false,
      "rootFolder": null,
      "vcNoneNetwork": null,
      "tenantVisibleName": null,
      "isConnected": true,
      "mode": "IAAS",
      "listenerState": "CONNECTED",
      "clusterHealthStatus": "GREEN",
      "vcVersion": "7.0.3",
      "buildNumber": "19480866",
      "uuid": "52b252b252b252b2",
      "proxyConfigurationUrn": null
  12. Scroll down to ‘PUT’ and ‘/1.0.0/virtualCenters/{vcUrn} Update specified Virtual Center server’ and click it.
    NSXv Removal
  13. When this window expands click on ‘Try it out’ and then scroll down and in the vcUrn box copy/paste your vcId from the above output (So vcId = vcUrn) and then scroll down and paste in your updated updateVCenterServerParams. Then click ‘Execute’.
    NSXv Removal
  14. You should get a response code of ‘202’.
    NSXv Removal
  15. This will kick off a job in vCD titled ‘Updated VirtualCenter vCenter-FDQN’.
    NSXv Removal
  16. Once that job is done another job will kick off in vCD titled ‘Started connection to VirtualCenter vCenter-FQDN’
    NSXv Removal
  17. To verify your vCD is no longer using NSX, simply click on ‘Infrastructure Resources’ and then ‘vCenter Server Instances’ and then click on the vCenter-FDQN.
    NSXv Removal
  18. Scroll down and at the bottom you should find ‘NSX-V Manager Info’ with the ‘State’ set to ‘Disabled.’
    NSXv Removal

Remove NSXv from vCenter

  1. To remove NSXv from vCenter you will need the administrator account, then open your vCenter’s FQDN followed by /mob, Ex: https://vCenter-FQDN/mob , and login using administrator account.
    NSXv Removal
  2. Click ‘content’.
    NSXv Removal
  3. Click ‘ExtensionManager’.
    NSXv Removal
  4. Click ‘UnregisterExtension’.
    NSXv Removal
  5. Which will pop open a new dialog box.
    NSXv Removal
  6. Enter the string below and click ‘Invoke Method’.

    NSXv Removal

  7. You should see a ‘Method Invocation Result: void’ response.
    NSXv Removal
  8. Enter the string below and click ‘Invoke Method’.

    NSXv Removal

  9. You should see a ‘Method Invocation Result: void’ response.
    NSXv Removal
  10. For vCenter 7 series log into SSH and ensure that you do not have any nsx or vShield objects within ‘/etc/vmware/vsphere-ui/vc-packages/vsphere-client-serenity/’ NSXv Removal NSXv Removal NSXv Removal

    NOTE: If you are running vCenter 6 series then please look here for additional steps

  11. At SSH (or the VAMI) restart the vCenter user interface by running:
    service-control --stop vsphere-ui

    NSXv Removal

  12. Start the vCenter user interface by running:
    service-control --start vsphere-ui

    NSXv Removal

  13. It will take a minute or two for the full GUI to respond again but once done ‘Networking and Security’ should no longer appear within the UI.
    NSXv Removal

Big thanks to Eric Stine and Tom Fojta at VMware for the assistance on this method.

REF: Tom’s article